娘道成寺Musume Dojoji(小)8448円 娘道成寺Musume Dojoji(中)10208円
福巾着 7040円 巾着(小)6688円
ミニ巾着 4928円 へびかご抱童 6688円 土鈴巳 6160円
We received Obata clay dolls for the year of the snake from Gokasho Town, Kanzaki County, Shiga Prefecture.
It actually arrived quite some time ago, but it was hot like midsummer in Tokyo until yesterday, so I didn't feel like introducing the doll for next year's zodiac sign.
I'm very sorry to all Obata Deko fans🙇
This time, we have received unique and soulful work by Hosoi Gengo!
Now, display your snake doll and get lots of money and good luck!
If you think of snakes and "Musume Dojoji" immediately comes to mind, then you're a Kabuki fan.
It's a scary story, but in Hosoi's hands it becomes a slightly comical and tasteful piece.
Summary of the Kabuki play "Kyokago Musume Dojoji"
Here at Dojoji, a memorial service for the bell is about to be held. Long ago, a girl named Kiyohime fell in love with a monk named Anchin who stopped by on her way to Kumano, and forced him to promise to marry her. However, Anchin ran away from Kiyohime to train and refused to keep his promise.
Kiyohime chased after him, so Anchin ran into the bell of Dojoji. Then, Kiyohime, burning with jealousy, turned into a snake and clung to the bell, burning it down and killing Anchin, according to legend, and this is the memorial service for the bell.
While the servants were holding the memorial service, a beautiful Shirabyoshi came and asked to dance. The woman was allowed to dance for the memorial service, but as she was dancing, she revealed her true snake nature and entered the bell. This Shirabyoshi was actually the spirit of Kiyohime. (Taken from Gokigen! Kabuki Life)
#娘道成寺 #歌舞伎 #蛇 #巳の人形 #土人形 #小幡人形 #郷土玩具 #民藝 #備後屋 #土鈴 #kabuki #snake #yearofsnake #claydoll #japaneseclaydoll #obataningyo #kyodogangu #mingei #bingoya
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